How to make gulp-git pause until the git command finishes? -

i've been tearing hair out on 2 hours.

here simplified gulpfile:

var gulp = require('gulp');  var concat = require("gulp-concat"); var rename = require("gulp-rename"); var run_sequence = require("run-sequence"); var del = require("del"); var git = require("gulp-git"); var wait = require("gulp-wait");  var dest = 'build/';  var vendor_javascript_files = [     'node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js', ];  var app_javascript_files = [     'app.js', ];  // remove existing build directory gulp.task("prepare",function() {     return del([dest, "branding_assets/"]); });  gulp.task("get-branding", function() {     return git.clone('http://gitserver.local/prod-branding.git', {args: './branding_assets'}, function (err) {         if (err) {         throw err;         }     }); });  gulp.task("get-dev-branding", function() {     return git.clone('http://gitserver.local/dev-branding.git', {args: './branding_assets'}, function (err) {         if (err) {         throw err;         }     }); });  gulp.task('vendor-js', function() {     return gulp.src(vendor_javascript_files)         .pipe(concat("vendor.js"))         .pipe(gulp.dest(dest+"app")); });  gulp.task('app-files', function() {     return gulp.src(['app.js'])         .pipe(gulp.dest(dest+"app")); });  gulp.task('branding', function() {     return gulp.src('branding_assets/*')         .pipe(wait(2000))         .pipe(gulp.dest(dest+"assets")) });  gulp.task('app-js', function() {     return gulp.src("index.html.dist")         .pipe(rename("index.html"))         .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)); });  gulp.task('build', function() {     run_sequence(         "prepare",         "get-branding",         [             "app-files",             "app-js",             "vendor-js",             // imagine there many more tasks here - "app-css", "vendor-css", "app-sass", etc. upwards of 10 tasks.             "branding",         ],     ); });  gulp.task('build-dev', function() {     run_sequence(         "prepare",         "get-dev-branding",         [             "app-files",             "app-js",             "vendor-js",             // imagine there many more tasks here - "app-css", "vendor-css", "app-sass", etc. upwards of 10 tasks.             "branding",         ],     ); });  gulp.task('default', ['build']); 

what trying is, during gulp task, pull in assets respective project version , use them in build process.

the problem gulp.clone task returns immediately, before clone has completed. thus, branding task nothing since files don't yet exist when starts.

i tried using .wait(2000) pause branding task, 1) doesn't work (it still finishes branding task in tens of ms) , 2) wouldn't work if pause did occur because source files selected @ time src function runs, right?

maybe gulp isn't appropriate task runner task, have no choice - production environment uses gulp.

using get-branding task dependency on each of individual build tasks (e.g. "app-files") won't work since want run get-dev-branding instead. tried doing "nesting" strategy of moving individual app build tasks separate tasks get-branding dependency , still did not work - since git.clone task returns before clone has finished, doesn't work.

i can't find would, say, "wait until file exists". can't find reliably pause gulp task before starts enumerating source files. i'm going in circles on google hitting same pages on , on no solution.

you should add callback function, can pass callback status of command gulp.

gulp.task("get-branding", function(done) {     git.clone('http://gitserver.local/prod-branding.git', {args: './branding_assets'}, function (err) {         if (err) {             done(err);         }         done();     }); }); 

for more information how done callback function works internally, can see: gulp: gulp task callback function defined?

the callback function comes orchestrator (or new 1 -- undertaker -- in gulp 4) , nothing more call tell task system task "done". that's why changed to

gulp.task('something', function(done) { ... }); 

in upcoming docs make point clearer.


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