javascript - Problems retrieving separate Document in Map-Function -

i've written little function results based on 2 search terms user can make. terms are: owner & path of folder.

the map function down below works far gives me right folder when user looks bob & holiday. unfortunately elfe if part doesn't work, want retrieve files document. if separate both if's works. why not in combination? :-)


function(doc) {     if (doc.type == 'folder') {       emit([doc.owner, doc.path], null);     } else if (doc.files) {         (var in doc.files) {           emit(doc.owner, {_id: doc.files[i]});       }    } } 


// folder {   "_id": "",   "name": "holiday",   "type": "folder",   "owner": "bob",   "path": "\\holiday",   "files": [     "file.123"     ] }  // files {   "_id": "file.123",   "name": "hawaii.jpg",   "type": "file", } 

search query:



{     "total_rows":4,     "offset":2,     "rows":[         {             "id":"",             "key":[                 "bob",                 "\\holiday"             ],             "value":null,             "doc":{                 "_id":"",                 "name":"holiday",                 "type":"folder",                 "owner":"bob",                 "path":"\\holiday",                 "files":[                     "file.123"                 ]             }         }     ] } 

unfortunately elfe if part doesn't work, want retrieve files document. if separate both if's works. why not in combination? :-)

this doesn't work because javascript doesn't have elseif keyword. using else if equivalent to:

if (doc.type === 'folder') {     ... } else {     if (doc.files) {         ...     } } 

see: mdn if...else


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