windows 10 - How to run virtualized Win10+VS2017+Docker (guest or host) on macOS Sierra? -

i installed windows 10 visual studio 2017 enterprise edition , docker windows parallels virtual machine on macbook pro running macos sierra , enabled nested virtualization.

when starting docker windows run linux containers, mobylinuxvm hyper-v image on windows 10 virtual machine seems crash following message:

docker hv-sock proxy (vsudd) not reachable @ docker.backend.containerengine.linux.connecttovsud(taskcompletionsource`1 vmid) in c:\gopath\src\\docker\pinata\win\src\docker.backend\containerengine\linux.cs:line 266 @ docker.backend.containerengine.linux.dostart(settings settings) in c:\gopath\src\\docker\pinata\win\src\docker.backend\containerengine\linux.cs:line 250 @ docker.backend.containerengine.linux.start(settings settings) in c:\gopath\src\\docker\pinata\win\src\docker.backend\containerengine\linux.cs:line 123 @ docker.core.pipe.namedpipeserver.<>c__displayclass9_0.<register>b__0(object[] parameters) in c:\gopath\src\\docker\pinata\win\src\docker.core\pipe\namedpipeserver.cs:line 47 @ docker.core.pipe.namedpipeserver.runaction(string action, object[] parameters) in c:\gopath\src\\docker\pinata\win\src\docker.core\pipe\namedpipeserver.cs:line 145

when switch running windows containers hyper-v image not crash.

now, have been reading docker documentation, parallels documentation , lot of forum posts. seems docker not support running docker windows in nested virtualization , there quite parallels users once had working, stopped working in version {x} of parallels.

are there other developers macos+windows 10+visualstudio2017+docker setup running succes? if so, how did achieve this?

does know if possible have visual studio 2017 on virtual machine use docker mac on host os instead? if so, how did configure this?

or there better alternative way of running virtualized windows ability use docker in combination visual studio 2017? if so, please describe setup?


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