hex - srec_cat - How to insert file length into file -

i trying insert length of hex file fixed location. can not seem work! using .txt file commands. in txt file, if have:

mysrec.srec -generate 0x100004 0x100008 -constant_big_endian 0x12345678 4 -output                                          - -hex-dump 

i 0x12345678 located @ address 0x100004, if use:

mysrec.srec -generate 0x100004 0x100008 -constant_big_endian −maximum-addr mysrec.srec 4 -output                                      - -hex-dump 

i error "srec_cat: number expected --generate --b-e-constant before string". says in documentation -maximum-addr can used number expected maybe not work there!

any appreciated...


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