cursor - In MySQL, i am not being able to execute commands after a loop -

i using cursor , loop execute stored procedure on each item of table. need done once day. procedure works , executes daily procedure on each row of table. part works fine. but, when try adding logging @ end (updating of table rollupcontrol time execution took) command doesn't executed @ all... added 2 debugging selects, 1 inside loop , other outside. 1 inside gets executed 1 outside doesn't...

drop procedure if exists `runx`; delimiter $$ create procedure `runx`() runx:begin     -- roda rup366 uma vez para cada dispositivo   declare t0 datetime(2) default now(2);   declare t0i float default 0;   declare debug int default 1;    declare viddisp varchar(6);   declare done boolean default false;   declare _id bigint unsigned;    declare cur cursor (select id tablem m join tabler r on =      time_to_sec(timediff(lastupdatedtime,lastqueryedtime))/(60*60*24) > 1);   declare continue handler not found set done := true;    open cur;       runxloop: loop         fetch cur _id;         if done           leave runx;         end if;         set viddisp = (select iddisp tablem id = _id);         if debug=1           select viddisp;         end if;         call runonceadayproc(viddisp);       end loop runxloop;     if debug=1         select t0i;     end if;       set t0i = (select timestampdiff(microsecond,t0,now(2))/1000000);     update rollupcontrol set dh_op = now(), et = t0i id = 366;   close cur;    end$$ delimiter ; 

i thinking

leave runx; 


leave runxloop; 


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