ios - CoreBluetooth didDiscoverPeripheral not being called when phone is locked -

i have ios app (swift) reacts custom ble device. device sends message 5 seconds when being clicked. app scans service , not connect device. working fine when app in foreground or in background, not when phone being locked (power button pushed). worked fine before (before ios 10).

code snippets:

// init centralmanager centralmanager = cbcentralmanager(delegate: self, queue: dispatch_get_global_queue(qos_class_background, 0))  ...  // in centralmanagerdidupdatestate let arrayofservices: [cbuuid] = [cbuuid(string:"0000****-0000-1000-8000-0080********")] self.centralmanager?.scanforperipheralswithservices(arrayofservices, options: [cbcentralmanagerscanoptionallowduplicateskey: false]) 

i enabled background modes: uses bluetooth le accessories. , have bluetooth-central in .plist uibackgroundmodes.

i've read stackoverflow posts deal problems alike , tried if solutions worked me. haven't found useful regarding problem in apple documentation either. tried example:

  • cbcentralmanager queue nil / mainqueue

  • scanforperipheralswithservices(nil , , different options)

anyone know workaround problem can work used to? or know of change in ios 10 prevents working?


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