recovery - Trying to solve "outside tablespace bounds" MySQL error, but recovering table with mysqldump fails -

i running mysql on windows 2008 server. 1 of tables (> 1 million records) seems corrupted. mysql error log shows this:

innodb: error: trying access page number 197105 in space 89, innodb: space name dbname/tablename, innodb: outside tablespace bounds. innodb: byte offset 0, len 16384, i/o type 10. innodb: if error @ mysqld startup, please check innodb: my.cnf matches ibdata files have in innodb: mysql server. 

based on error message, checked my.cnf relevant lines:

innodb_data_home_dir = "c:/xampp/mysql/data" innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10m:autoextend innodb_log_group_home_dir = "c:/xampp/mysql/data" 

this data resides. ibdata1 208 mb in size, tablename.ibd 4 gb in size. i've been using server succesfully many months.

after searching on site , elsewhere, tried perform recovery follows:

  • set innodb_force_recovery=1 , 6.
  • next, dump specific table mysqldump. using command: mysqldump dbname tablename --user=root --password=blahblah. during dump, recovery levels 1 through 3, mysql crashes ('goes away'). @ 4, managed dump first 23992 records, said " lost connection mysql server during query when dumping table tablename @ row: 23992". log has additional lines preceding showed above:

    innodb: failed find tablespace table "dbname"."tablename" in cache. attempting load tablespace space id 89. innodb: error: trying access page number 0 in space 89, innodb: space name dbname/tablename, innodb: outside tablespace bounds.

  • it seems touch or (select) query table, either through php, python or phpmyadmin, mysql crashes.

does have other suggestions, possibly based on tablespace bounds error above?

thanks in advance!


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