java - Test reporting with Allure in JUnit 5 -

i using allure test reporting of junit 5 project. using both maven , gradle in same project (for teaching purposes).

regarding maven, pom.xml. works expected:

  1. i run tests mvn test , json files generated allure stored on folder build\allure-results
  2. i managed run launch html report using mvn allure:serve

regarding gragle, build.gradle. have 2 problems here:

  1. i save json file on build/allure-results when running tests (gradle test) don't make it. json files end in default path, allure-results (in root of project).
    • anybody knows how can done?
  2. i launch html report gradle, don't know how.
    • is there command equivalent mvn allure:serve in gradle?

if want copy file or directory content build/allure-results folder via gradle, might want check following example:

regarding second question, please check official plugin's page:

technically, need download allure commandline (required once) via:

gradlew allurereport 

then can open report in browser via:

gradlew allureserve 


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