string - PHP encoding to 64 char length -

to generate pretty urls take 2 strings

-unix timestamp

-string (length 16 chars)

is there way use both , encode them string fixed length of 64 chars?

you can use str_pad() function along base64_encode string:

this functions returns input string padded on left, right, or both sides specified padding length. if optional argument pad_string not supplied, input padded spaces, otherwise padded characters pad_string limit.


$string = urlencode(base64_encode($string)); $padded = str_pad($tstamp."_".$string."_", 64, "0"); 

your url like:


each _ separator gets part of url need, have urldecode() base64_decode() string.

i suggest rather use sessions (cookies) maintain such information page another, or use intermediary storage system ids used in urls.


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