
Showing posts from June, 2012

bluetooth lowenergy - Android AAR and BLE Handover -

i'm trying use nfc in order start activity , start ble pairing. i understand my app launched when nfc tag contains aar scanned. android manage nfc/ble handover according this . when touch phone nfc tag, want @ 1 time or in succession. start activity. pair ble device. is there way can this?

c++ - Implementing a non-member IO operator -

in assignment asked create product class, , have finished implementations except "non-member io operator". question found vague, asks me overload << , >> operators work ostream , istream read product , print product console in order make main function work. here see main function has cout or cin product's derived class sitem, wonder how should implement << >> operators make main work. my main: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib> #include "product.h" #include <fstream> #ifdef tab # undef tab #endif #define tab '\t' using namespace std; namespace sict { class sitem :public product { public: sitem(const char* thesku, const char * thename) :product(thesku, thename) {} sitem() {} virtual std::fstream& store(std::fstream& file, bool addnewline = true)const { if (!isempty()) {"ms4.txt", ios:...

java - Home button changing from drawer icon to up button on rotation - only when nav drawer is open -

i have implemented navigation drawer in app , part appears working ok. i have home button set nav drawer icon(hamburger) , persists across normal rotations. can seen in image 1 (portrait) , image 2 (landscape after rotation). however if open nav drawer, rotate screen , close nav drawer, home button changes button, can seen in image 3. i have tried changes things around remains hamburger icon have had no luck. my code mainactivity below. public class mainactivity extends appcompatactivity { private string[] mnavigationdraweritemtitles; private drawerlayout mdrawerlayout; private listview mdrawerlist; toolbar toolbar; private string mdrawertitle; private string mtitle; actionbardrawertoggle mdrawertoggle; private static int snavposition = 0; private static final string nav_position_key = "navkey"; private static final string tag = mainactivity.class.getsimplename(); @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstan...

Azure CLI initialization saying invalid login? -

i have opened free trial account azure , experiencing strange behavior trying install azure cli on fresh ubuntu vm....i printing steps trying below 1 1 in case else has experienced this. start ubuntu virtual machine, install azure cli tool, , run "az login". display web address plus code authenticate. open edge , clear browsing data (this includes cookies). close edge , re-open. go , verify not signed in. displays login prompt (specifically, says "work or school, or personal microsoft account"). leave tab open now. in new tab, go, put in authentication code, , click "continue". redirect the same microsoft login prompt above ("work or school, or personal microsoft account") enter email address associated free trial. when tab password entry, redirect me different microsoft login screen me enter password. when type in (correct) password, tell me "we don't recognize user id , pass...

Powershell Hashtable Export to CSV -

i trying create csv export contains rows in data spreadsheet ids search spreadsheet show in. i have managed create searching element through powershell having trouble exporting data csv format. below example tables, actual data has 8 values (including id column), first 3 guaranteed filled. data spreadsheet +------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------+ | id | value 1 | value 2 | value 3 | value 4 | +------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------+ | 1234 | london | serial1 | hp | laptop user | | 2345 | moscow | serial7 | | hr application | | 1234 | london | serial9 | | finance application | | 3456 | madrid | serial4 | hp | laptop user | +------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------+ search spreadsheet +------+ | id | +------+ | 1234 | | 2345 | +------+ desired result +------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------+ | id | value 1 | value 2 | value ...

Initializing a variable in a model from a angular service -

i trying image path restful call. lot of other information not need @ moment need path loop through image path on html page. below have: [ { "level" : { "id" : 1, "description" : "sfg level 0", "imagename" : "guru-level-0.png", "levelnumber" : 0, "created" : "2017-08-14t11:14:43.687+0000", "updated" : "2017-08-14t11:14:43.687+0000" }, "levelimagepath" : "../../assets/images/level/guru-level-0.png" }, { "level" : { "id" : 2, "description" : "sfg level 1", "imagename" : "guru-level-1.png", "levelnumber" : 1, "created" : "2017-08-14t11:14:43.689+0000", "updated" : "2017-08-14t11:14:43.689+0000" }, "levelimagepath" : "../../assets/images/level/guru-level-1.png" }, {...

r - Applying a gradient fill on a density plot in ggplot2 -

is possible add gradient fill density plot in ggplot2, such color in chart changes along x-axis? in example below, fill argument appears ignored. library(ggplot2) ggplot(data.frame(x = rnorm(100)), aes(x = x, fill = x)) + geom_density() there's option compute density hand: set.seed(123) x <- rnorm(100) y <- density(x, n = 2^12) ggplot(data.frame(x = y$x, y = y$y), aes(x, y)) + geom_line() + geom_segment(aes(xend = x, yend = 0, colour = x)) + scale_color_gradient(low = 'green', high = 'red')

json - iOS Swift 3 CompletionHandler not working -

i'm trying write completion handler function in swift, here's code in swift class called nbobject typealias completionhandler = (_ success: bool, _ data: [string:any]) -> void // find objects in background func findobjectinbackground(completionhandler: completionhandler) { let tbnamestr = "table=" + thetablename var rstr = "" var thedata = [string:any]() in 0..<columns.count { rstr += "&c" + "\(i)" + "=" + columns[i] + "&r" + "\(i)" + "=" + records[i] } recordstring = tbnamestr + rstr print("record string: \(recordstring)") let requesturl = url(string: path_to_api_folder + "querywherekeycontains.php?" + recordstring) //create session object let session = urlsession.shared //now create urlrequest object using url object let request = urlrequest(url: requesturl!) //create datatask usin...

Wordpress Contact Form 7 do not work with wpml when site has ?lang=en -

nothing happens when submit form. i error in console. failed load resource: server responded status of 404 (not found) i can see suspicious on post url. /wp-json/?lang=en/contact-form-7/v1/contact-forms/11187/feedback for reason variable ?lang=en ends upp in url. know how solve this? according this page, can solve issue adding following line inside functions.php : add_filter( 'wpcf7_load_js', '__return_false' );

custom blockchain data structure -

i trying verify business idea blockchain application, use private / consortium blockchain. i looking @ trying test in multichain or similar platform. one thing unsure of, how can define data looks like? if creating own app scratch i'd design database etc. how multichain? example, if trying store records of particular asset, , varying interests in asset of multiple parties, how define how looks in blockchain app? put way, equivalent of defining "asset" table, "assetparties" table etc? can control data stored there / transactions represent? if you, i'd try hyperledger fabric. implementation of blockchain developed businesses. one thing unsure of, how can define data looks like? if creating own app scratch i'd design database etc. about previous question: blockchain database. have define logic of code. code, smart contract, installed in nodes of blockchain. your blockchain store each registry transaction. transaction equivalen...

xmlserializer - How to correctly (de)serialize nested objects in c#? -

edit: sorry code working intended. failed test properly. sorry inconvenience i found code here on store , load objects (code in end). storing file correctly working, getting file object again not working when have list of objects: executing block b = loadfile<block>("file"); console.writeline(b.allcoins.count); //is 0 results in empty list. checking xml file correctly stored, means loading somehow not working. how can correctly load object? here block class: [serializable] public class block { public struct coin { public string owner; public string name; public coin(string n, string o) { owner = o; name = n; } }; public int name; public list<string> hashofparticles; public int numberoftransactions; public list<coin> allcoins; } } here how load file objects: public static t loadfile<t>(string fil...

outlook - MS Flow - Create Event (V2) on another calendar with Send As permission -

i running issue microsoft flow create appointments on calendar account send permission to. able create appointments in ui second account. in flow, asking calendarid. drop down shows calendars directly related account in connection. when manually enter calendarid second account, receive error: "the specified object not found in store." any / tutorials appreciated. "the specified object not found in store." this ews permissions error whatever doing isn't going work sendas rights. need assign full access permission mailbox (or @ least rights calendar folder via add-mailboxfolderpermission) work ews. sendas permission definition gives user rights sendas user not access folders in mailbox. can test ewseditor going making same calls. if works in ewseditor same creds flow not in other code know rights whatever doing in flow issue.

bash - Unset variables declared in file -

say have , looks like test=1 hello=2 foo=3 let's these variables in environment. how can unset of them? i.e. unset test hello foo using simple bashfaq #1 loop: while ifs='=' read -r key value; unset "$key" done < or, if have bash 4.0 or newer, can couple readarray (the shell builtin known mapfile ) parameter expansion : readarray -t lines < unset "${lines[@]%%=*}"

c# - DataGridView - Click on Image in Cell and show new Form with full size image -

all: newbie working datagridview1 bound sql server db table via visual studio data sources function. have filled datagrid columns in table, including column containing blobbed image, shows correctly in datagridview slice of image. user able click on datagridview1 cell contains slice of image , launch new form specific image background of (or @ least fill picturebox on same form), can't seem able reference specific image in cell clicked... have tried, unsuccessfully, using "datagridviewimagecolumn" like: imagecolumn = new datagridviewimagecolumn(); imagecolumn.image = this.imagedatagridviewimagecolumn.image; frmpic.backgroundimage = imagecolumn.image; can advise correct code use reference specific image? i think can use datagridview_cellclick event handler, so can : private void datagridview_cellclick(object sender, datagridviewcelleventargs e) { // set index pic column, assume pic in column 0 int index = 0; // check clicke...

Compile C++ with OpenMP on Mac OSX with dynamic linking -

summary how compile c++ code openmp on mac osx in portable manner ? there many sources suggest solutions compiling c++ openmp on osx, e.g.: openmp support on osx 10.11 apple clang -fopenmp not working openmp runs single threaded on mac most of them suggest install more recent llvm/clang (or gcc) instead of default clang. on osx 10.12.6 (sierra), using llvm (via brew install llvm ) works me. however, resulting binary not seem portable. if possible, want provide binary users don't have compile on own. here tried running otool -l my_binary yields /usr/local/opt/llvm/lib/libomp.dylib (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.0.0) /usr/local/opt/llvm/lib/libc++.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0) /usr/lib/libsystem.b.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1238.0.0) /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 307.2.0) the first 2 lines not hand binary user , expect work. user have install ll...

c++ - My program is executing as expected but in the end I am an extra line called a segmentation fault near the output. Could someone see to it? -

am not getting wrong this #include <cs50.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> int main() { // prints initials of name printf("enter name: "); string s = get_string(); int n= 0; // prints first letter of name printf ("%c", toupper(s[0])); // rememnber index of string starts 0 , counted till \0 , \0 final 1 therefore looks counting 1 // starting @ 0. code accounts while(s[n] != '\0') // while have not reached end of string { while(s[n] != ' ') { n = n +1 ; } printf("%c", toupper(s[n+1])); // prints letter after space in uppercase order n = n+1; // sets n @ letter after space } return 0; } input : rock hilary expected output : rh what getting : rhsegmentation fault how fix this? you've tagged c++ seems you're using entirely c.. i'll answer if it's c. a segmentation fault occur...

mysqlbinlog - Why binlog stop when mysql start -

i use mysql 5.7.19 in docker after mysql starting, show binlog events return below, binlog stop after previous_gtids: and configuration file simple : [mysqld] server-id=100 log-bin=mysq-bin binlog_do_db=test with show variables '%bin%' , can see log_bin on and log 2017-08-14t17:12:55.036324z 0 [warning] timestamp implicit default value deprecated. please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation more details). 2017-08-14t17:12:55.036845z 0 [note] mysqld (mysqld 5.7.19-log) starting process 1 ... 2017-08-14t17:12:55.038682z 0 [note] innodb: punch hole support available 2017-08-14t17:12:55.038696z 0 [note] innodb: mutexes , rw_locks use gcc atomic builtins 2017-08-14t17:12:55.038698z 0 [note] innodb: uses event mutexes 2017-08-14t17:12:55.038699z 0 [note] innodb: gcc builtin __atomic_thread_fence() used memory barrier 2017-08-14t17:12:55.038700z 0 [note] innodb: compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3 2017-08-14t17:12:55.038704z 0 [note] i...

vulkan - Pipeline barriers across multiple shaders? -

judging vulkan barriers explained , seems each vkcmdpipelinebarrier introduces dependency between 2 subsequent pipeline “runs”. typical scenario of shader writes image , shader b samples same image, might this: dispatch shader writes image a vkcmdpipelinebarrier(cmd, vk_pipeline_stage_color_attachment_output_bit, vk_pipeline_stage_fragment_shader_bit, ...); dispatch shader reads image a this defines dependency first shader execution's color attachment stage second shader execution's fragment stage. if want run independent commands in between? example dispatch shader writes image a dispatch unrelated shader doesn't touch image a vkcmdpipelinebarrier(cmd, vk_pipeline_stage_color_attachment_output_bit, vk_pipeline_stage_fragment_shader_bit, ...); dispatch shader reads image a this still works, inefficient: because fragment shader stage has wait color attachment output stage of previous, unrelated shader. how specify dependency on shader before it? ...

python - How to replace values in a column in a fast and memory efficient manner -

i have dataframe containing 114 million records 2 columns named session_id , artifact_id . both columns categorical. replace values in column artifact_id values in dictionary each value in artifact_id mapped value. artifact_id int column , values replaced int values. there 322k unique values replaced. here's sample dataset: session_id artifact_id 234 123 b 123 b 678 the contents of dictionary follows: {'234':'1','123':'2','678':'3'} i final dataset this: session_id artifact_id 1 2 b 2 b 3 i have thought following statement replace these values: sessions['artifact_id'].replace(artifactid2num, inplace=true) artifactid2num name of dictionary. statement gives me out of memory error. thought breaking process various pieces avoid memoryerror using following code...

web scraping - How to pull data from News River API into R -

trying pull data newsriver api r. convert json provided dataframe further analysis. able input own search terms , domain search variables. library(httr) library(jsonlite) set_config(config(ssl_verifypeer = 0l)) search_1 <- "amazon" search_2 <- "world domination" website <- "" url <- sprintf('', search_1, search_2, website) api_key <- "mykey" news <- get(url, add_headers(authorization = paste(api_key, sep = ""))) news_txt <- content(news, = "text") news_china_df <- fromjson(news_txt)

reporting services - SSRS Need multiple references to a report item in header -

i have text box in header of report has following expression: =iif(reportitems!voided.value = "v", "**** void ****", "") so if text box named "voided" has value of v, display **** void **** in header of report. works perfectly. i need way because there multiple records in report, , using first(fields!voided.value) in header not work because 1 of records voided, , others not. using first() cause inaccuracies. however, requirements have changed need **** void **** displayed if voided = v, , **** void - prior payroll **** displayed iv voided = x. it seems ssrs not nested if in header =iif(reportitems!voided.value = "v", "**** void ****", iif(reportitems!voided2.value = "x", "**** void previous payroll ****", "")) because gives error the value text run refers more 1 report item. expression in page header or footer can refer 1 report item is there way display nested iif type logic i...

c++ - How do I use a variable that has the same name as a function? -

i have given template class following attributes/classes template<class t1, class t2, int max> class collection{ t1 * _elementi1[max]; t2 * _elementi2[max]; int currently; public: collection() { (size_t = 0; < max; i++) { _elementi1[i] = nullptr; _elementi2[i] = nullptr; } = 0; } ~collection() { (size_t = 0; < max; i++) { delete _element1[i]; _element1[i] = nullptr; delete _element2[i]; _element2[i] = nullptr; } } t1 ** gett1() { return _element1; } t2 ** gett2() { return _element2; } int getcurrent() { return currently; } void add(t1 t1, t2 t2) { if (currently == max) { throw exception("max size reached"); } _element1[currently] = new t1(t1); _element2[currently] = new t2(t2); ++currently; } friend ostream& operator<< (ostream &cout, collection...

coderunner - VS Code Code runner Run Profiles? -

so ended using great code runner extension of vscode developing c programming in vscode tried using tasks couldn't desired results. code runner awesome can compile , run c code 1 command. want know if there anyway set different run profiles current file open in editor because shown here there 1 one relationship between language , it's executor. there anyway set different commands special language? "code-runner.executormap": { "javascript": "node", "java": "cd $dir && javac $filename && java $filenamewithoutext", "c": "cd $dir && gcc $filename -o $filenamewithoutext && $dir$filenamewithoutext", "cpp": "cd $dir && g++ $filename -o $filenamewithoutext && $dir$filenamewithoutext", "objective-c": "cd $dir && gcc -framework cocoa $filename -o $filenamewithoutext && $dir$filenamewithoutext", "php...

javascript - Accessing entire MEAN application remotely within a LAN?(without deploying on cloud) -

i have mean application build running on own personal node server running @ port 8000 , angular application @ 4200.when try access application remotely machine in lan couldn't load data database display on system(remote one) application running on system running @ localhost:4200 application running on remote system running @ ip of system:4200 no data displayed on remote machine how solve this?

html - Center an inline list in div example not working -

i creating liquid layout example shown below using exact html example shown in book html , css jon duckett - * { font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; color: #665544; text-align: center; } body { width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; min-width: 400px; } #content { overflow: auto; } #nav, #feature, #footer { margin: 1%; } .column1, .column2, .column3 { width: 31.3%; float: left; margin: 1%; } .column3 { margin-right: 0%; /* no effect anyway float left */ } li { display: inline; padding: 0.5em; } #nav, #footer { background-color: #efefef; padding: 0.5em 0; } #feature, .article { height: 10em; margin-bottom: 1em; background-color: #efefef; } <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>liquid layout</title> </head> <body> <div id="header"> <h1>logo</h1> <div id="nav"> <ul> ...

identifier - Get table id for mysql -

according this can query innodb_sys_tables table id. iiuc innodb engine only. how can table id independently of engine used if understanding correct?

run sas from r using shell function -

i using r execute sas program following dominic comtois's approach ( executing sas program in r using system() command ). when executed test codes, error massage showed error: insufficient authorization access c:\program files\sashome\x86\sasfoundation\9.3\test_yl.log. test sas program was: libname xx 'f:/sitetools'; data xx.test; input species $ bec_i_c $ agetype age height; cards; fd c 1 35 14.3 fd c 0 35 14.3 fd 1 35 14.3 fd 0 35 14.3 pl 1 65 14.3 pl 1 25 14.3 pl 0 65 14.3 pl 0 25 14.3 ; run; how resolve issue. highly appreciated. yong i think problem sas tries write logfile directory have no write access. can pass alternate location log file (and .out file) sas: sas_log <- tempfile() sas_out <- tempfile() cmd <- sprintf( 'sas.exe -nosplash -icon -sysin "%s" -log "%s" -print "%s"', sas_script, sas_log, sas_out ) return_code <- sy...

android - Cordova New Activity Intent Creates Blank Page -

i working on androidpay plugin cordova requires launching new activity make api calls. problem running when launch new activity, new black page loaded shown in picture below , brings androidpay wallet intended. able launch new activity without new page being loaded. possible cordova?

INSERT private message system PDO php -

i trying build little private message system in php, using pdo connection database. have got work excpet important part. i cannot insert message write database love help. i first post database can see working here. starting users id int(10) un ai pk username varchar(30) password varchar(100) regdate datetime this message table im trying write message to id int(11) ai pk from_user varchar(45) to_user varchar(45) subject varchar(400) message text date date read tinyint(4) i have tried couple of diffrent code work paste code according error check says message succesfully sent... $sql = " insert private_messages values('',$user, $to_user','$subject',$message','$date','0') "; echo "youre message succesfully sent..."; but not work , know not right way when using pdo. i have tried this $query =$dbh->prepare("insert private_messages(user, to_user, subject, message, date); values('...

C# Deserialize JSON string into object using Newtonsoft.Json -

i trying convert json string object using newtonsoft.json, having problems following conversion. wonder if 1 can explain this. thanks. addfaceresponse ir = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<addfaceresponse>(responsecontentstr); this json string responsecontentstr [{ "faceid": "1fe48282-a3b0-47d1-8fa8-67c4fac3d984", "facerectangle": { "top": 80, "left": 50, "width": 147, "height": 147 } }] this model object. public class addfaceresponse { public class face { public class facerectangle { public int top, left, width, height; public facerectangle(int t, int l, int w, int h) { top = t; left = l; width = w; height = h; } } public string faceid; ...

javascript - Valid inputs and use animation untill page load -

i need validate filled inputs , on submit if inputs valid show load animation till next page shown. can check validation 1 one, not know how collect them in one. maybe there more simple way check inputs validation? did validations inside inputs in code below. here inputs type need validate , on success show load animation until page refresh page: <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="formz" > <div> <label>name: </label> <input type="text" onkeydown="return,event)" onchange="value = value.replace(/^\s+/,'')" pattern=".{3,20}" name="name" required> </div> <div> <label>surname: </label> <input type="text" onkeydown="return,event)" onchange="value = value.replace(/^\s+/,'')" pattern="....

path - PHP data processing not outputting -

hi trying external text file print inside php document. code looks fine me when echo not output , not sure why is. can me out new this. $location = '/applications/mamp/htdocs/phplabs/branches.txt'; $fp = fopen($location, 'r'); if ($fp) { $readin = fread($fp); fclose($fp); } else { echo 'can\'t open input.txt'; } not sure you're trying 'echo' have checked if file exists in first place? your code written as: $location = '/applications/mamp/htdocs/phplabs/branches.txt'; if (file_exists($location) && $data = file_get_content($location)){ echo $data; } else { echo 'file not found'; } if (file_exists($location) && $file = fopen($location, 'r')){ $file_content = fread($file, filesize($location)); fclose($file); } esle { echo 'file not found'; } see here more: , ...

linux - Transposing specific rows to columns -

i have millions of lines this. want write simple bash script information. name: 1fj ha_rmsds: -1000.0000 ha_rmsdh: -1000.0000 ha_rmsdm: 0.0000 grid_score: -24.958729 grid_vdw_energy: -24.958729 grid_es_energy: 0.000000 internal_energy_repulsive: 5.894002 name: zinc103990867 ha_rmsds: -1000.0000 ha_rmsdh: -1000.0000 ha_rmsdm: 0.0000 grid_score: -22.196136 grid_vdw_energy: -17.917459 grid_es_energy: -4.278677 internal_energy_repulsive: 14.832469 i want this; name grid_score zinc10399086...

css - Animating content children in Angular (2/4) -

i have component uses <ng-content> selector pull in content children. <!-- label-expand component--> <div> <ng-content select="[applabel]"></ng-content> </div> so when component creates instance of label-expand component this: <label-expand> <span applabel>some label</span> </label-expand> i set label-expand component, when hovered on play animation of content child applabel directive text gets bigger. @component({ selector: 'label-expand', //..., animations: [trigger('expandlabelstate', [ //this animation pass content child ])] }) export class labelexpandcomponent { @contentchild(applabeldirective) applabel: applabeldirective } how pass animation defined angular animation metadata in label-expand component it's ng-content content child? or problem should instead solved css?

How to scrub data in Excel, specifically removing extreme outliers that are outside of a given range? -

i have thousands of cells of data output model, results formatted follows: cell id column header, each row timestep, , each cell's results on hundreds of timesteps printed out in spreadsheet. want analyze data within percentiles. i've identified values percentile thresholds of interest, i'm not finding clear directions on how ... a) remove values outside of range i'm interested in, sheet i'm working in or b) pull values within range of interest out of sheet , separate 1 further analysis the values numbers 2 decimal places. i need scrub data, analyze it, in separate step. example, after removing extreme max , min in timeseries, still want see entire timeseries outliers removed or changed null value. how can select or remove outliers data matrix, leaving rest of data in tact? the best way using pivottable feature. with pivottable able create filter parameters using ranges (the main data , outliers well). please, take on if don't know how...

node.js - Changelog creation based on package.json version (NodeJS) -

so bump "version": "1.0.2" in package.json in node app every release ( there åre many git commits,merges go in between 1.0.1 1.0.2 e.g.) tried couple of changelog generators(that's on npm ,github-, ) none of them seem create changelog git commit messages grouped version #.

javascript - put real coordinates in Leaflet -

i trying put animation several circles on map. when zoom, position circles varies. how can fix this? using coordinate of city of colombia. use coordinates google maps uses. var svg ="#map").select("svg"), g = svg.append("g"); var coordenadas=map.latlngtolayerpoint([2.4574702,-76.6349536,13]) (var = 1; < 5; ++i) { var circle = svg.append("circle") .attr("cx",coordenadas.x) .attr("cy", coordenadas.y) .attr("r", 0) .style("stroke-width", 5 / (i)) .attr("class", "circulo_explosion") .transition() .delay(math.pow(i, 2.5) * 50) .duration(2000) .ease('quad-in') .attr("r", 25) .style("stroke-opacity", 0) .each("end", function () { ...

android - Drop-Down Spinner inside of Pop-Up Window -

how can have drop down spinner inside of popup window? i've tried looking, answers have found create dialog spinner instead (which not want). tried doing custom adapter , seem getting error context (basically, once popup window initiates, context activity gone) how can context pop-up window or how can implement drop down spinner? edit: adapter: public class spinadapter extends arrayadapter<contact>{ // sent context private context context; // custom values spinner (user) private arraylist<contact> values; public spinadapter(context context, int textviewresourceid, arraylist<contact> values) { super(context, textviewresourceid, values); this.context = context; this.values = values; } public int getcount(){ return values.size(); } public contact getitem(int position){ return values.get(position); } public long getitemid(int position){ ret...