docker - Site can't be reached -

i using jwilder/nginx-proxy:alpine image create link nginx-proxy.

docker run -d -p 80:80 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/ --name nginx \ jwilder/nginx-proxy:alpine

i have created container running up. then, start container proxied environment variable

  docker run \     -d \     --entrypoint / \     -e \ //running app on,but      not working.     -e virtual_port=8000 //what mean?     --name server \     image_name 

the container named server , running.

question1: need open port in ec2 security groups in order run application?

question2: can see application running on

question3: use of virtual_port here? in dockerfile container's expose on port 8000.

question1: need open port in ec2 security groups in order run application?

only 80 or 443, depending on 1 using. rest work internally on machine

question2: can see application running on

by either pointing dns entry of domain server, or creating host entry in os hosts file (for testing purpose)

question3: use of virtual_port here? in dockerfile container's expose on port 8000.

nginx-proxy needs understand port should proxy passing traffic inside container. default takes exposed port. if there multiple can specify 1 using virtual_port


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