php - How can I add multiple rows in the same cell - PDF -

i have text contains ±50 words. want add in same cell here code:

//header $this->setx(30); $this->cell(270, 20, "suggested improvement ",0, 0, 'c', true);  $this->setx(300); $this->cell(270, 20, "current situation ",0, 0, 'c', true);   //data retrieved db $this->ln(20); $this->settextcolor(0);  $this->setfillcolor(19, 68, 160); $this->setlinewidth(0.25);  $this->setx(30.5); $this->cell(269, 100,$row1['suggested improvement'], 1, 0, 'c', false);  $this->setx(300); $this->cell(269.5, 100,$row1['current situation'], 1, 0, 'l', false); 

but problem text not filled in cell, printed 1 line, shown here:

how can make text start top right , filled in block only?

think using fpdf php..

have @ multicell. there can youse \n line-break.

$this->multicell(100,8,"line 1\n line2"); 

you have line-break on own. not automaticly added.

here can check witdh getstringwidth , add line-breaks.


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