Logstash issue with json_formater [LogStash::Json::ParserError: Unexpected character ('-' (code 45)): was expecting comma to separate ARRAY entries] -
i have issue converting value through logstash, can't find solution it. seems linked date.
#log line [2017-08-15 12:30:17] api.info: {"sessionid":"a216925---ff5992be7520924ff25992be75209c7","action":"processed","time":1502789417,"type":"bookingprocess","page":"order"} [] []
logstash configuration
filter { if [type] == "api-prod-log" { grok { match => {"message" => "\[%{timestamp_iso8601:timestamp}\] %{word:module}.%{word:level}: (?<log_message>.*) \[\] \[\]" } add_field => [ "received_from", "%{host}" ] } json { source => "log_message" target => "flightsearchrequest" remove_field=>["log_message"] } date { match => [ "timestamp", "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" ] timezone => "asia/jerusalem" } } }
any idea ?
what version of logstash using? on logstash 5.2.2 following logstash config:
input { stdin{} } filter { grok { match => {"message" => '\[%{timestamp_iso8601:timestamp}\] %{word:module}.%{word:level}: (?<log_message>.*) \[\] \[\]' } } json { source => "log_message" target => "flightsearchrequest" remove_field=>["log_message"] } date { match => [ "timestamp", "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" ] timezone => "asia/jerusalem" } } output{ stdout {codec => "rubydebug"} }
i correct result , no errors, when pass log line input:
{ "@timestamp" => 2017-08-15t09:30:17.000z, "flightsearchrequest" => { "action" => "processed", "sessionid" => "a216925---ff5992be7520924ff25992be75209c7", "time" => 1502789417, "page" => "order", "type" => "bookingprocess" }, "level" => "info", "module" => "api", "@version" => "1", "message" => "[2017-08-15 12:30:17] api.info: {\"sessionid\":\"a216925---ff5992be7520924ff25992be75209c7\",\"action\":\"processed\",\"time\":1502789417,\"type\":\"bookingprocess\",\"page\":\"order\"} [] []", "timestamp" => "2017-08-15 12:30:17" }
i've removed check "type" in beginning, can test if can affect result?
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