run sas from r using shell function -

i using r execute sas program following dominic comtois's approach (executing sas program in r using system() command). when executed test codes, error massage showed

error: insufficient authorization access c:\program files\sashome\x86\sasfoundation\9.3\test_yl.log.  test sas program was:     libname xx 'f:/sitetools';    data xx.test;    input species $ bec_i_c $ agetype age height;    cards;    fd  c 1 35 14.3    fd  c 0 35 14.3    fd  1 35 14.3    fd  0 35 14.3    pl  1 65 14.3    pl  1 25 14.3    pl  0 65 14.3    pl  0 25 14.3    ;    run; 

how resolve issue. highly appreciated.


i think problem sas tries write logfile directory have no write access. can pass alternate location log file (and .out file) sas:

  sas_log <- tempfile()   sas_out <- tempfile()    cmd <- sprintf(     'sas.exe -nosplash -icon -sysin "%s"  -log "%s" -print "%s"',     sas_script, sas_log, sas_out   )   return_code  <- system(cmd)  # runs sas , saves return code  

i think should solve problem. want log file in same location whatever result sas script produces, , not in obscure temporary directory.

advanced example:

i once wrote wrapper function sas script includes logging , error handling. maybe useful you, have modify bit make run on system:

library(futile.logger) library(purrr) library(assertthat) library(stringi) library(magrittr)  sasget <- function(   infile,   outfile = null,   sas_script,   sas_path   = "c:/program files/sas/x86/sasfoundation/9.4",   sas_config =  "c:/program files/sas/x86/sasfoundation/9.4/nls/de/sasv9.cfg" ){   # precondtions     assert_that(purrr::is_scalar_character(infile))     assert_that(is.null(outfile) || purrr::is_scalar_character(outfile))     assert_that(file.exists(sas_script))     assert_that(dir.exists(sas_path))     assert_that(file.exists(sas_config))     # process arguments     if(is.null(outfile)) outfile <- tempfile()     sas_log <- paste0(outfile, '.log')     sas_out <- paste0(outfile, '.lst')     # launch sas job     owd <- getwd()     setwd(sas_path)     on.exit(setwd(owd), add = true)       cmd <- sprintf(       'sas.exe -nosplash -icon -sysin "%s" -set filein "%s" -set fileout "%s" -log "%s" -print "%s"',       sas_script, infile, outfile, sas_log, sas_out)      flog.debug('launching sas job')     flog.trace(cmd)      return_code  <- shell(cmd)  # run sas , retain return code     # process sas log     log <- suppresswarnings(try(readlines(sas_log), silent = true))      errors <- log %>%       stringi::stri_subset_regex('^error.*:')     lapply(log, flog.trace)     # postconditions     ok <- true      if(!identical(return_code, 0l)){       flog.error('sas process returned nonzero return code: %s', return_code)       ok <- false     }      if(istrue(file.size(outfile) == 0l)){       flog.error('sas process returned empty file')       ok <- false     }      if(length(errors) > 0l){       lapply(errors, flog.error)       ok <- false     }      if(ok){       flog.debug('sas file transfer successful')     } else {       flog.fatal('there errors, please check sas log: %s', sas_log) %>%         stop()     }     # output   res <- outfile   return(res) } 


  • i had remove code chunks specific project working on, hope didn't leave confusing in.
  • i left parameters infile , outfile in example of how pass macro variables sas script. can use them in sas script this: %let filein = %sysget(filein).


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