amazon route53 - Route 53 redirect AWS -

i have website domain name in aws account , there hosted zone in route 53 created , there servers in aws account , have created new servers domain name named , created new hosted zone in route 53 in aws account, want users redirect type in browser , possible...? if possible, how can it...?

please help

thanks, sunil

you cannot redirect domain using route 53. per instructions here, need create s3 bucket , route 53 rules in order redirect domain.

  1. in amazon s3 console, create s3 bucket exact name

note: s3 bucket names must globally unique. if bucket name need in use, solution cannot used.

  1. select bucket created, , choose properties. expand static website hosting drop-down menu, , choose redirect requests host name.

  2. in redirect requests host name field, enter , choose save.

  3. in route 53 console, select hosted zone named

  4. create resource record following values:

    • record type: choose ipv4 address.
    • alias: choose yes.
    • alias target: select blank value field, expand drop-down menu, , choose s3 bucket under heading s3 website endpoints.
    • routing policy: choose simple.
    • evaluate health target: choose no , choose create. note: drop-down menu might take few moments populate bucket name.


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