Google Analytics Event not showing up -

i have amp page i've included google tag manager (gtm). i've created "universal click" tag supposed log every click google analytics (ga).

google tag manager setup: category, action, label, value

it looks fine in dev console:

dev console returns 200

a request sent url:

it seems contain important query parameters:

  • ea=click
  • el=9
  • ev empty in case understanding value not required other 3 are?

yet in google analytics real time events, "scroll-events" i've confiugred show , nothing seen of click events:

google analytics real time not logging event

does know problem might be?

you can debug adding prefix /debug url. example :

this message of error of hit, not valid! enter image description here removing ev parameter on tag should work perfect (this tested preview on account) enter image description here


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