vsts - How do I stop users from pushing all tags (git push --tags)? -

we created lots of tags before discovered git tags can named slashes them arranged in folder structure. hard rid of misnamed tags, because although delete misnamed tags on server, haven't deleted tags locally pushes tags , both old , new tags on server again.

we're using sourcetree git client (and yes, i've been around , made sure have unchecked "push tags" checkbox, new people arrive , computers replaced) , visual studio team services git repo.

i want able create , push tags individually, want avoid bulk pushes of tags.

i've read post git pre-push hook, don't run if --tags solution doesn't seem work in windows.

no matter git hooks or other scripts, of them need run on local machines individually. suggest sync tags remote before developers create own tags on local machines.

actually need execute once each local machine, developers need run below commands (delete local tags , tags remote) on machine before working:

git tag -l | xargs git tag -d git fetch --tags 

then developers can work on own local repo , git push push tags option selected in sourcetree won’t effect old tags deleted.

additional, when server side hooks available in future vsts, can use post-push hooks check if deleted tags pushed remote again. if yes, stop push tag(s) specified in post-push hook.


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