c# - Should I use a using statement/dispose if the object isn't actually going to be used in code? -

this question has answer here:

i'm working in winforms code right now, , have come across lines several times:

... system.diagnostics.process.start(somefilename); ... 

...which kicks off process on client machine, , forgets it. process.start(somefilename) returns process type object, implements idisposable, code not doing object, because whole idea trigger process , forget it.

in case, should process object still disposed, if we're not keeping in memory @ all? like:

using (system.diagnostics.process.start(somefilename) { } 


var process = system.diagnostics.process.start(somefilename); process.dispose(); 

process objects holds unmanaged resource(s) (hprocess handle)


public class process : component {     //     // fields     //      bool haveprocessid;     int processid;     bool haveprocesshandle;     safeprocesshandle m_processhandle; // <- should disposed     bool isremotemachine;     string machinename;     processinfo processinfo;     int32 m_processaccess; ... 

and should disposed. using local variable (var process = ...) looks overshooting in context, that's why suggest



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