elasticsearch aggregations by user defined group -

let's have these data in es.

| key        | value       | |:-----------|------------:| |          |            1| |          |            2| | b          |            2|  | c          |            3|    | d          |            4|  | e          |            5|   | e          |            5|   | f          |            6| 

i use

{   "from": 0,   "size": 0,   "query": {     "filtered" : {       "query" : {           "match_all" : {}        },       "filter" : {         "bool" : {           "must" : [             {"terms": {"key": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]}}           ]         }       }     }   },   "aggs" : {     "sum_value" : {       "terms" : { "field" : "key" },       "aggs" : {         "sum_value" : { "sum" : { "field" : "value" } }       }     }   } } 

to sum of same key, results this:

"sum_uv": {   "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,   "sum_other_doc_count": 0,   "buckets": [     {       "key": "a",       "doc_count": 2,       "sum_value": {         "value": 3       }     }     ....   ] } 

but now, want sum elements in same group, example, have mapping data, tells me group information:

group1 = [a, b, c] group2 = [d, e, f] ..... 

i think need nested aggregation purpose, have no idea this.

the result this:

sum_group1 = 8 sum_group2 = 20 ...... 

thanks in advance!

there @ least 2 ways of doing this:

  1. if groups fixed, can add group name each document , aggregate first on group, on values.
  2. if want more dynamic approach, can use filter + regexp group results. see example here: https://www.elastic.co/blog/quick-tips-regex-filter-buckets

two examples using filters:


{   "size": 0,   "aggs": {     "groups": {       "filters": {         "filters": {           "group1": { "terms": { "key": [ "a","b","c" ] } },           "group2": { "terms": { "key": [ "d","e","f" ] } }         }       },       "aggs": {         "groupsum": {           "sum": {             "field": "key"           }         }       }     }   } } 


{   "size": 0,   "query": {     "match_all": { }   },   "aggs": {     "group1": {       "filter": {         "terms": {           "key": [ "a", "b", "c" ]         }       },       "aggs": {         "group1sum": {           "sum": {             "field": "value"           }         }       }     },     "group2": {       "filter": {         "terms": {           "key": [ "d", "e", "f" ]         }       },       "aggs": {         "group2sum": {           "sum": {             "field": "value"           }         }       }     }   } } 


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