python - How can I JSON serialize an object from google's natural language API? (No __dict__ attribute) -

i'm using google natural language api project tagging text sentiment analysis. want store nl results json. if direct http request made google json response returned.

however when using provided python libraries object returned instead, , object not directly json serializable.

here sample of code:

import os import sys import oauth2client.client import enums, language_service_client import language_service_pb2  class languagereader:     # class parses, stores , reports language data text      def __init__(self, content=none):          try:             # attempts autheticate credentials env variable             oauth2client.client.googlecredentials.get_application_default()         except oauth2client.client.applicationdefaultcredentialserror:             print("=== error: google credentials not authenticated! ===")             print("current enviroment variable process is: {}".format(os.environ['google_application_credentials']))             print("run:")             print("   $ export google_application_credentials=/your_path_here/your_json_key_here.json")             print("to set authentication credentials manually")             sys.exit()          self.language_client = language_service_client.languageserviceclient()         self.document = language_service_pb2.document()         self.document.type = enums.document.type.plain_text         self.encoding = enums.encodingtype.utf32          self.results = none          if content not none:                 self.read_content(content)      def read_content(self, content):         self.document.content = content         self.language_client.analyze_sentiment(self.document, self.encoding)         self.results = self.language_client.analyze_sentiment(self.document, self.encoding) 

now if run:

sample_text="i love r&b music. marvin gaye best. 'what's going on' 1 of favorite songs. sad when marvin gaye died." resp = languagereader(sample_text).results print resp 

you get:

document_sentiment {   magnitude: 2.40000009537   score: 0.40000000596 } language: "en" sentences {   text {     content: "i love r&b music."   }   sentiment {     magnitude: 0.800000011921     score: 0.800000011921   } } sentences {   text {     content: "marvin gaye best."     begin_offset: 18   }   sentiment {     magnitude: 0.800000011921     score: 0.800000011921   } } sentences {   text {     content: "\'what\'s going on\' 1 of favorite songs."     begin_offset: 43   }   sentiment {     magnitude: 0.40000000596     score: 0.40000000596   } } sentences {   text {     content: "it sad when marvin gaye died."     begin_offset: 90   }   sentiment {     magnitude: 0.20000000298     score: -0.20000000298   } } 

which not json. it's instance of object. , has no __dict__ attribute attribute not serializable using json.dumps().

how can either specify response should in json or serialize object json?

edit: @zach noted google's protobuf data interchange format. seems preferred option use these protobuf.json_format methods:

from google.protobuf.json_format import messagetodict, messagetojson   self.dict = messagetodict(self.results) self.json = messagetojson(self.results) 

from docstring:

messagetojson(message, including_default_value_fields=false, preserving_proto_field_name=false)     converts protobuf message json format.      args:       message: protocol buffers message instance serialize.       including_default_value_fields: if true, singular primitive fields,           repeated fields, , map fields serialized.  if           false, serialize non-empty fields.  singular message fields           , oneof fields not affected option.       preserving_proto_field_name: if true, use original proto field           names defined in .proto file. if false, convert field           names lowercamelcase.      returns:       string containing json formatted protocol buffer message. 


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