c++ - Is there a way to specify user data for Shell_NotifyIcon using NIF_INFO? -

i able mark each balloon user data (an id or void*) when receive nin_balloonuserclick can identify balloon clicked , perform action meaningful specific notification. far can tell, isn't possible given notifyicondata structure.

as far can tell, isn't possible given notifyicondata structure

that correct. there no provision in shell_notifyicon() api associating user-defined data notifications.

however, since can display 1 balloon @ time anyway, store data somewhere off side, , retrieve when balloon dismissed. if have multiple notifications, use stack of kind store data, , have balloons pop data stack.

another option use different ucallbackmessage value each individual balloon when using nif_message flag, , have window message handler differentiate between message ids needed. instance, if have array of data, pick unique base message id (maybe registerwindowmessage() , add array index it.


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