core data - setFetchBatchSize Fetching all the rows in messages Table -

following code snippet.

nssortdescriptor *sortsequence = [[nssortdescriptor alloc]                                       initwithkey:@"date_added" ascending:yes];  nsarray *sortdescriptors =[nsarray arraywithobjects:sortsequence,nil];  [fetchrequest setfetchbatchsize:5]; [fetchrequest setsortdescriptors:sortdescriptors]; [nsfetchedresultscontroller deletecachewithname:@“chats”]; nsfetchedresultscontroller *thefetchedresultscontroller =[[nsfetchedresultscontroller alloc] initwithfetchrequest:fetchrequest managedobjectcontext: managedobjectcontext sectionnamekeypath:@"messagesectionkey" cachename:@"chats"]; 

in listing want implement load more functionality. want sort based on key date_added . messagesectionkey getter method in coredata class return yesterday,today etc based on date_added … after fetching instead of loading 5, loading rows in message table

i guess 5 objects should set fetch limit 5

[fetchrequest setfetchlimit:5]; 

to 20 records , pass in parameter value of numberofitems = 20, working inside function, idea , can make own function, guess should use fetchlimit

-(void) getrecordsfor:(nsinteger) numberofrecords { ....   [fetchrequest setfetchlimit: numberofrecords];  [fetchrequest setsortdescriptors:sortdescriptors]; [nsfetchedresultscontroller deletecachewithname:@“chats”]; ... } 


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