ibm mq - Can MQIPT be configured to authenticate the credentials set by MQ client for a specific connection -

scenario: mqipt used in between mq client , mq server version 8.

is possible validate credentials sent along channel connection @ mqipt. checked documentation , seems cannot done unless kind of security exit written it.

just wanted views on this, how can achived if @ possible.

thank you.

the mqipt , classes not expose username , password information client channel. below documentation ibm on these 2 types of exits.

the class documented in ibm v9.0 knowledge center following information:

public securityexitresponse validate(ipttrace)
following properties available:

  • listener port
  • destination
  • destination port
  • timeout
  • client ip address
  • client port address
  • channel name
  • queue manager name

the validate method called mqipt when receives connection request validate. channel name , queue manager name not available if sslproxymode property has been enabled, feature used tunnel ssl/tls data , therefore data obtained initial data flow unreadable.

the class is documented in ibm v9.0 knowledge center following information:

supported methods obtaining properties:
public int getlistenerport()

retrieves route listener port - defined listenerport property

public string getdestination()

retrieves destination address - defined destination property

public int getdestinationport()

retrieves destination listener port address - defined destinationport property

public string getclientipaddress()

retrieves ip address of client making connection request

public int getclientportaddress()

retrieves port address used client making connection request

public boolean issslclient()

used determine if exit being called ssl/tls client or ssl/tls server. if returns true, exit on client side of connection, validating certificate obtained server. if returns false, exit on server side of connection, validating certificate sent client. valid route act both ssl/tls server , ssl/tls client, decrypting , re-encrypting traffic. in situation, although there single exit class, instances of class called clients , servers. can use issslclient determine situation given instance.

public int getconnthreadid()

used retrieve id of worker thread handling connection request, can useful debugging.

public string getchannelname()

retrieves ibm® mq channel name used in connection request. available when incoming request not using ssl/tls , mqipt acting ssl/tls client.

public string getqmname()

retrieves name of ibm mq queue manager used in connection request. available when client request not using ssl/tls , mqipt acting ssl/tls client.

public boolean gettimedout()

used exit determine if timeout has expired.

public iptcertificate getcertificate()

retrieves ssl/tls certificate needs validated.

public string getexitdata()

retrieves exit data, defined sslexitdata property.

public string getexitname()

retrieves exit name, defined sslexitname property.


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