Proper data fetching for ReactJS components and MobX -

what preferred way of data fetching (and posting) in mobx? including option making spinners during onload of external data call.

  1. all using @actions in store, making components dumb possible, e.g. aim stateless functional components possible.
  2. in component, e.g. using componentdidmount or willmount
  3. by use of higher order components

as per mobx documentation, actions should done in mobx actions, in stores suggested first option describe.

the example provide fits quite use case:

@action    createrandomcontact() {     this.pendingrequestcount++;     superagent         .get('')         .set('accept', 'application/json')         .end(action("createrandomcontact-callback", (error, results) => {             // ^ note: asynchronous callbacks separate actions!             if (error)                 console.error(error);             else {                 const data = json.parse(results.text).results[0];                 const contact = new contact(this, data.dob,, data.login.username, data.picture)                 contact.addtag('random-user');                 this.contacts.push(contact);                 this.pendingrequestcount--;             }         })); } 


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