java 8 - Applying regex to Java8 List<String> -

i have array list

list<string> items = arrays.aslist("date=2017-01-10", "date=2017-02-10");

i want convert list , have quotes each item in list date=2017-01-10 can converted date='2017-01-10'

list<string> items = arrays.aslist("date='2017-01-10'", "date='2017-02-10'");

how can in java 8 ?

update: want use regex achieve this.

i have seen profile, found start java. i'll give answer learning purpose.

  • use lookbehind skip replacement. e.g: (?<==)
  • use group capture matched result in group, e.g: (.+)
  • use $ sign references captured group, e.g: $1.

    list<string> result = //                                 match `=`            ---v                            .map(it -> it.replacefirst("(?<==)(.+)", "'$1'")) //                     capture rest substring in group  ---^                            .collect(collectors.tolist()); 

you can use string#substring achieve way. example:

int prefix = "date=".length(); list<string> result                           .map(it->string.format("date='%s'",it.substring(prefix)))                           .collect(collectors.tolist()); 


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