Class Object Error with Tkinter Game From Python for Kids book -

i copying game book on learning python called python kids. website book python kids. code shown below.

from tkinter import * import random  import time   class ball:     def _init_(self, canvas, color)         self.canvas = canvas = canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 25, 25, fill=color)         self.canvas.move(, 245, 100)     def draw(self):        pass  tk = tk() tk.title('game') tk.resizable(0,0) tk.wm_attributes('-topmost, 1) canvas = canvas(tk, width=500, height=400, bd=0, highlightthickness=0) canvas.pack() tk.update() ball = ball(canvas, 'red') while 1:     tk.update_idletasks()     tk.update()     time.sleep(0.01) 

there additional spaces in program in order make easier understand, forgo these spaces in question. error shown below.

=============== restart: /users/gg-mac/documents/  ===============         traceback (most recent call last): file "/users/gg-mac/documents/", line 22, in <module>     ball = ball(canvas, 'red')    typeerror: object() takes no parameters >>>  

i appreciate if help. if can, thank assistance.

looks class isn't defined correctly. no capital "c" in class , no parenthesis class itself... correct be:

class ball(): 

also, seems later call class canvas, don't seem have imports of tk or canvas here in snippet. in order use canvas must import somewhere. this:

from somewhere import canvas 


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