angular - Deleting multiple rows from Kendo grid makes the page become unresponsive -

i have grid checkbox every row, tried grid.removerow, datasource.remove(item), splice() not work me.

the grid consists of 4 columns included checkbox, , records around 1.6k. page become unresponsive when click delete button delete based of checkbox of each row.

here code:

var raw = $; var length = raw.length; var item, i; (i = length - 1; >= 0; i--) {      item = raw[i];      if(!item.isselect) //isselect here boolean variable         $scope.datasource.remove(item); } 

any idea?

well, have done same thing, , must kendo grid angular 2 poor performance wise. try removing paging grid(just try it), made grid refresh rows , faster. have put request telerik regarding that, why paging creating issues. also, did angular 2 grid, cant angular1.


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