excel - Count unique last entry of text across several columns -

i have excel spreadsheet lists locations across several columns.

i need able count when conditions matched.

my problem @ moment double counting when 1 of criteria listed in more 1 column.


a      b      c       d        e green  red   green             home green  orange red              home orange                         red red    green                   ss green  wait  green            home 

so if wanted count how many occasions went green home answer 2 of countifs statements end 5 @ columns.

any ideas?


document here: https://1drv.ms/x/s!aggmgors2j1ggpr1btbvpprpdrot7a

it not entirely clear me want, given table have posted initially, possible locations in columns a:e, following give count of number of rows have green followed home , blank entries not counted.

the formula array formula, , must entered holding down ctrl + shift while hitting enter

=sum(n(isnumber(search("greenhome", concatenate(if(a2:a1000<>"",a2:a1000,""), if(b2:b1000<>"",b2:b1000,""), if(c2:c1000<>"",c2:c1000,""), if(d2:d1000<>"",d2:d1000,"")))))) 

you can change column references whatever want.

a row counted once, no matter how many sequences noted.

if use named ranges contain search phrases, then:

=sum(n(isnumber(search(from & to, concatenate(if(a2:a1000<>"",a2:a1000,""), if(b2:b1000<>"",b2:b1000,""), if(c2:c1000<>"",c2:c1000,""), if(d2:d1000<>"",d2:d1000,"")))))) 

where, example

from refers cell contains green

to refers cell contains home

edit: revised formula account actual layout shown on worksheet:

r2:  **from location** s2:  **to location**  t2:   =sum(n(isnumber(search(r2&s2, concatenate(if($e$2:$e$1000<>"",$e$2:$e$1000,""), if($g$2:$g$1000<>"",$g$2:$g$1000,""), if($h$2:$h$1000<>"",$h$2:$h$1000,""), if($i$2:$i$1000<>"",$i$2:$i$1000,""), if($k$2:$k$1000<>"",$k$2:$k$1000,"")))))) 

enter image description here


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