html - Google Analytics JavaScript onClick issues with 'if' statement for hostname -

so basic function works sending pageview, have onclick events setup in html not working within same function in javascript if hostname = ''.

javascript (works fine):

(function(w,d){      var hostname = w.location && w.location.hostname;      if(hostname == ''){          ga("create","ua-104xxxxxx-1",{name:"new"});ga("new.send","pageview"); }})(window,document); 

if add function within function, onclick event not work pageview still does. there multiple domains , there more javascript file rest pertains different domains other countries, etc.

javascript (doesn't work fine):

(function(w,d){ var hostname = w.location && w.location.hostname; if(hostname == ''){     ga("create","ua-104xxxxxx-1",{name:"new"});ga("new.send","pageview");     function myfunc() {         ga('send', 'event', {'eventcategory': 'video','eventaction': 'click','eventlabel': 'experience video','transport': 'beacon'});} }})(window,document); 


<a class="video" data-embed-url="" href="" onclick=myfunc() target="_blank">     &nbsp; </a> <span>experience video</span> 

what doing wrong?


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