angularjs - Failed To Load Template Issue -

using angularjs-1.6.5 & angular-ui-router-1.0.6 && gulp-3.9.1

i'm having absolutely annoying issue. have angular app seems build fine when run gulp-connect run it, keep getting failed load template errors in order:

  • vendor.js:14803 error: [$compile:tpload] failed load template: app/auth/views/login.tpl.html (http status: undefined undefined)

  • vendor.js:34081 transition rejection($id: 0 type: 6, message: transition errored, detail: error: [$compile:tpload] failed load template: app/auth/views/login.tpl.html (http status: undefined undefined)

  • error: [$compile:tpload] failed load template: app/auth/views/login.tpl.html (http status: undefined undefined)

if run gulp build process , use httpster provide server, page comes fine no error. however, when add gulp-connect build process:

gulp.task("connect",["css", "vendor", "js", "watch", "webworkers"], function   () {  connect.server({ port: 8888 });  }); 

i errors above.

this working day ago , whatever reason, previous versions worked no longer working either. i've tried redirecting template, verified entries in template cache, tried retrieving file on network instead of template cache, uninstall/reinstalling gulp-connect , nothing has worked. i'm stumped @ point , need figure out sake of sanity.

any thoughts appreciated.

goodness. after bunch of trial , error, figured out issue. issue http interceptor configuring token retrieved local storage. token retrieved local storage corrupt or invalid in way (havent figured issue out yet) , silently erroring out without bubbling error up.

i wrapped local storage read method in try catch , templates loading again.

man wasted time on this, helps else out.


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