cryptography - How to determine the encryption scheme of a zip file -

i looking @ encrypted zip files (using pkzip format) , don't understand how encryption scheme encoded in binary format. in research, found this paper outlining various encryption schemes used in pkzip formatted files. found encrypted files i've been looking @ match magic number format 50 4b 03 04 outlined in article. according paper, encryption scheme type used can determined 2-bytes after file name in file (17 00 "strong encryption" , 01 99 "winzip aes encryption". not state such signature "traditional pkware encryption".

i created encrypted zip file using keka examine contents , see kind of encryption used. neither of magic numbers mentioned in article appeared after file name, instead found bytes 54 73. in fact, upon adding more bytes plaintext file encrypted, noticed after encrypting, these bytes changed little bit, suggesting not in fact indicator of encryption scheme used. i've looked @ output of zipdetails try , see if there more details on encryption scheme used, output states file encrypted. there useful tools analyze , determine encryption scheme used in encrypted pkzip file?


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