cesium - How to customize czml datasource? -
i have czml data extracted via python. have buildings, geometry, height, building id, , intervals. each interval has value. after loading czml data cesium, i'd access attributes , customize color of buildings according value given. here sample of czml:
[{ "id": "document", "version": "1.0" }, { "id": 32, "availability": "2014-01-01t00:00:00z/2014-12-31t00:00:00z", "polygon": { "positions": { "cartographicdegrees": [54.7162360431897, 24.4519912715277, 0, 54.716219612921, 24.4519754832587, 0, 54.7162501395131, 24.4519488635358, 0, 54.7162465684811, 24.4519454316688, 0, 54.7162670831639, 24.4519275432238, 0, 54.7162707308589, 24.4519310439514, 0, 54.7163022563025, 24.4519035537608, 0, 54.7161962974502, 24.4518018819532, 0, 54.7161647729823, 24.4518293730395, 0, 54.7162035538772, 24.4520196028966, 0, 54.7162360431897, 24.4519912715277, 0] }, "someproperty": [{ "interval": "2014-00-01t00:00:00z/2014-01-01t00:00:00z", "en_c_need": 0.7 }, { "interval": "2014-01-01t00:00:00z/2014-02-01t00:00:00z", "en_c_need": 1.0 }, { "interval": "2014-02-01t00:00:00z/2014-03-01t00:00:00z", "en_c_need": 2.6 }, { "interval": "2014-03-01t00:00:00z/2014-04-01t00:00:00z", "en_c_need": 12.1 }, { "interval": "2014-04-01t00:00:00z/2014-05-01t00:00:00z", "en_c_need": 30.2 }, { "interval": "2014-05-01t00:00:00z/2014-06-01t00:00:00z", "en_c_need": 37.8 }], "extrudedheight": 6.0 } }]
i have other geojson data customized, tried same method didn't work.
here i'm trying (this not work):
var test2 = cesium.czmldatasource.load ('data/czml/testing/example_8.czml'); test2.then(function (datasource) { viewer.datasources.add(test2); viewer.zoomto (test2); var entities = datasource.entities.values; var colorhash = {}; var energy = []; (var = 0; < entities.length; i++) { var entity = entities[i]; energy = entity.someproperty.en_c_need; var color = colorhash [energy]; if(!color ) { if (energy < 5 ) { color = cesium.color.darksalmon.withalpha (0.95); } else if (energy < 10) { color = cesium.color.burlywood.withalpha (0.95); } else if (energy < 20) { color = cesium.color.red.withalpha (0.95); } else { color = cesium.color.pink.withalpha (0.95); }; colorhash[energy] = color; }; entity.polygon.fill = true; entity.polygon.material = color; entity.polygon.outline = false; };
to start solution - here's working plnkr: https://plnkr.co/edit/p1cg4dnjytk9r9xrlzxk?p=preview
i've changed several things in code: 1) viewer.datasources.add(test2);
should outside promise (it doesn't matter, it's cleaner code - using promise inside promise feels strange). 2) according czml properties spec, need place properties in right location in czml. should not inside polygon, in "root":
var czml = [{"id": "document", "version": "1.0"}, { "id": 32, "availability": "2014-01-01t00:00:00z/2014-12-31t00:00:00z", "properties": { "someproperty": [ {"interval": "2014-00-01t00:00:00z/2014-01-01t00:00:00z", "en_c_need": 0.7}, {"interval": "2014-01-01t00:00:00z/2014-02-01t00:00:00z", "en_c_need": 1.0}, {"interval": "2014-02-01t00:00:00z/2014-03-01t00:00:00z", "en_c_need": 2.6}, {"interval": "2014-03-01t00:00:00z/2014-04-01t00:00:00z", "en_c_need": 12.1}, {"interval": "2014-04-01t00:00:00z/2014-05-01t00:00:00z", "en_c_need": 30.2}, {"interval": "2014-05-01t00:00:00z/2014-06-01t00:00:00z", "en_c_need": 37.8} ], }, "polygon": { "positions": { "cartographicdegrees": [54.7162360431897, 24.4519912715277, 0, 54.716219612921, 24.4519754832587, 0, 54.7162501395131, 24.4519488635358, 0, 54.7162465684811, 24.4519454316688, 0, 54.7162670831639, 24.4519275432238, 0, 54.7162707308589, 24.4519310439514, 0, 54.7163022563025, 24.4519035537608, 0, 54.7161962974502, 24.4518018819532, 0, 54.7161647729823, 24.4518293730395, 0, 54.7162035538772, 24.4520196028966, 0, 54.7162360431897, 24.4519912715277, 0] }, "extrudedheight": 6.0 } }];
then can ask properties according interval (energy = entity.properties.getvalue(viewer.clock.currenttime).someproperty.en_c_need;
) , energy @ viewer's current time.
update after commentchatting: code not meant change dynamically. need set value either callbackproperty
in example: plnkr.co/edit/lm290uaqewevfiogxbdp?p=preview or using timeintervalcollection
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