Getting $LastExitCode in PowerShell when invoking Visual Build using PowerShell -

i want invoke visualbuild build powershell , it's last exit code.

i invoke build using.

start-process -filepath $visualbuild -argumentlist "/b somescript.bld" -passthru -nonewwindow 

i tried using try catch mechanism lead lastexitcode 0 if build failed.

when using like

$buildprocess = start-process -filepath $visualbuild -argumentlist "/b somescript.bld" -passthru -nonewwindow write-host "$($buildprocess.exitcode)" 

my script get's stuck after executing , displaying build has failed output of lastexitcode never displayed.

the $visualbuild variable holds full path visbuildcmd.exe

i think need last exit code after command , store in variable:

start-process -filepath $visualbuild -argumentlist "/b somescript.bld" -passthru -nonewwindow $mylastexitcode = $lastexitcode  write-host "lastexitcode: $mylastexitcode" 

i have had previous issues ran command before displayed last exit code , 0. might similar issue.


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