javascript - openlayers markers with popup -

i trying display map markers. want ability click these markers such information can displayed (similiar way works in google earth). have map , markers (or features) can not "popup" information work.

the js:

function init(){     var northsealonlat = [4.25, 52.05];     var centerwebmercator = ol.proj.fromlonlat(northsealonlat);      var tilelayer = new ol.layer.tile({ source: new ol.source.osm() });     markerlayer = new ol.layer.vector({ source: new ol.source.vector({ features: [], projection: 'epsg:3857' }) });       var map = new{         controls: ol.control.defaults().extend([             new ol.control.mouseposition({                 coordinateformat: ol.coordinate.createstringxy(3),                 projection: 'epsg:4326',                 undefinedhtml: '&nbsp;',                 classname: 'custom-mouse-position',                 target: document.getelementbyid('custom-mouse-position'),             })         ]),         layers: [tilelayer, markerlayer],         target: 'map',         view: new ol.view({             projection: 'epsg:3857',             center: centerwebmercator,             zoom: 7         })     });      // add marker     var circle = new{         image: new{             radius: 4,             fill: new{                 color: 'rgba(200,0,0,0.9)',             }),             stroke: new{                 color: 'rgba(100,0,0,0.9)',                 width: 2             })         })     });      coordinates = [[4.25, 52.05], [4.21, 52.01], [4.29, 52.29], [5.25, 52.05], [4.25, 51.05]];     (i = 0; < coordinates.length; i++) {          var feature = new ol.feature(             new ol.geom.point(ol.proj.transform(coordinates[i], 'epsg:4326', 'epsg:3857'))         );         feature.description = 'coordinates: '+coordinates[i][0]+','+coordinates[i][1]+'\nbla';         feature.setstyle(circle);         markerlayer.getsource().addfeature(feature);     }      var element = document.getelementbyid('popup');     var popup = new ol.overlay({       element: element,       positioning: 'bottom-center',       stopevent: false     });     map.addoverlay(popup);      // display popup on click     map.on('click', function(evt) {         var feature = map.foreachfeatureatpixel(evt.pixel,             function(feature, layer) {                 return feature;             });         if (feature) {             popup.setposition(evt.coordinate);             $(element).popover({                 'placement': 'top',                 'html': true,                 'content': feature.get('description')             });             $(element).popover('show');         } else {             $(element).popover('destroy');         }     }); } 

the code got example on website:

it works there can't version work. idea why?

popover isn't part of openlayers contained in bootstrap:

also see openlayers example on overlays:


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