sql - Oracle ORA-04030 even when using Bind Variables in a LOOP -

i have delete 500 million rows remote table using pl/sql. since undo tablespace cannot handle volume, deletes being done in batches size of 1,000,000 , committed. - reduce hard-parsing using bind variables using following syntax:

str := 'delete table@link id >= :x , id < :y'; execute immediate str using start_id, start_id+1000000 

and after every invocation, start_id incremented 1000000 till sql%rowcount returns 0 ( 0 ) , end_id ( known ) reached.

but process getting ora-0430 follows:

ora-04030: out of process memory when trying allocate 16408 bytes (qerhj hash-joi,qerhj bit vector)  ora-04030: out of process memory when trying allocate 41888 bytes (kxs-heap-c,temporary memory) 

note using bind variables there no hard parsing after first execution.

one thing range of id @ target. assuming first few rows in increasing order, ids

100,000,000,000 200,000,000,000 50,000,000,000,000,000 50,000,000,000,011,111 

on second iteration, ids 200,000,000,000 200,000,100,000 deleted.

but since there no ids in range, take 50,000,000,000 iterations next row ( 50,000,000,000,000,000 / 1000000 = 50,000,000,000 ).

of course - can examine id target , choose correct range ( larger default 1 million ).

but should not case process run out of memory.

added code:

remote.sql : execute on remote :

create table test1 (     id      number(38) primary key );  insert test1 select level dual connect level < 1000000; insert test1 values ( 1000000000000 ); insert test1 values ( 2000000000000 ); commit; exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ( ownname => user, tabname => 'test1',                 cascade => true, estimate_percent => 100 ); commit;  

local.sql :

create or replace procedure batch_del      l_min_val       integer;      l_max_val       integer;      l_cnt           integer;      l_cnt_dst       integer;      l_begin         integer;      l_end           integer;      l_str           varchar2(1000);      l_tot_cnt       integer;   pragma autonomous_transaction;   begin       l_tot_cnt := 0;       l_str := ' select min(id), max(id), count(*) test1@dst';       execute immediate l_str l_min_val, l_max_val, l_cnt_dst;       dbms_output.put_line ( 'min: ' || l_min_val || ' max: ' || l_max_val            || ' total : ' || l_cnt_dst );       l_begin := l_min_val;       while l_begin  < l_max_val       loop            begin               l_end := l_begin + 100000;               delete test1@dst id >= l_begin , id < l_end;               l_cnt := sql%rowcount;               dbms_output.put_line ( 'rows processed : ' || l_cnt );               l_tot_cnt := l_tot_cnt + l_cnt;               dbms_output.put_line ( 'rows processed far : ' || l_tot_cnt );               commit;           exception           when others                dbms_output.put_line    ( 'error : ' || sqlcode );      end;  l_begin := l_begin + 100000;    end loop;  dbms_output.put_line ( 'total : ' || l_tot_cnt ); end; 

**all local implementation **

drop table test1; create table test1 (  id    number(38) primary key ); insert test1 select level dual connect level < 1000000; insert test1 values ( 1000000000000 ); insert test1 values ( 2000000000000 ); commit; exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ( ownname => user, tabname => 'test1',  cascade => true, estimate_percent => 100 ); commit; create or replace procedure batch_del    l_min_val       integer;    l_max_val       integer;    l_cnt           integer;    l_begin         integer;    l_tot_cnt       integer;  pragma autonomous_transaction;  begin   l_tot_cnt := 0;   select min(id), max(id) l_min_val, l_max_val test1;   l_begin := l_min_val;   while l_begin  < l_max_val   loop     begin      delete test1 id >= l_begin , id < l_begin + 10000;      l_cnt := sql%rowcount;      dbms_output.put_line ( 'rows processed : ' || l_cnt );      l_tot_cnt := l_tot_cnt + l_cnt;      dbms_output.put_line ( 'rows processed far : ' || l_tot_cnt );      commit;    exception      when others       dbms_output.put_line    ( 'error : ' || sqlcode );  end;  l_begin := l_begin + 10000;  end loop;  dbms_output.put_line ( 'total : ' || l_tot_cnt ); end;    set timing on; set serveroutput on size unli; exec batch_del; 

this not answer, it's large fit in comment, here are!

there's no need dynamic sql. if you, i'd rewrite as:

create or replace procedure batch_del   l_min_val         integer;   l_max_val         integer;   l_begin           integer;   l_end             integer;   l_rows_to_process number := 100000;   pragma autonomous_transaction; begin   select min(id),          max(id),          count(*)     l_min_val,          l_max_val,          l_cnt_dst     test1@dst;    l_begin := l_min_val;    while l_begin < l_max_val   loop     begin       l_end := l_begin + l_rows_to_process;        delete test1@dst        id >= l_begin       ,    id < l_end;        dbms_output.put_line('rows deleted: '||sql%rowcount);        commit;     exception       when others         dbms_output.put_line('error : ' || sqlcode);     end;      l_begin := l_begin + l_rows_to_process;    end loop; end; / 

alternatively, if you've got non-consecutive id's, perhaps more performant you:

create or replace procedure batch_del   type type_id_array table of number index pls_integer;   l_min_id_array     type_id_array;   l_max_id_array     type_id_array;   l_rows_to_process  number := 10000;   pragma autonomous_transaction; begin    select min(id) min_id,          max(id) max_id bulk collect     l_min_id_array,          l_max_id_array     (select --/*+ driving_site(t1) */                  id,                  ceil((row_number() over(order id)) / l_rows_to_process) grp             test1 t1)   group  grp   order  grp;    in l_min_id_array.first..l_min_id_array.last   loop     begin       delete test1        id between l_min_id_array(i) , l_max_id_array(i);        dbms_output.put_line('rows deleted in loop '||i||': '||sql%rowcount);        commit;     exception       when others         -- hope there better way of logging error in         -- production db; e.g. separate procedure writing log table.         dbms_output.put_line('error in loop '||i||': ' || sqlcode);     end;   end loop; end batch_del; / 


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