vba - Salesforce Search Automation -

i have list of names, companies, , emails. info in 1 companies' account, , i'm trying have account owner correlated , pasted column next company name.


__name_       |  email address | company    | account owner | link account   john smith  |     js@mail.com  |  excelx.inc  |   ____________  |      __________ 

i'd macro search company name paste link of search in link account column.

so far, i'm playing around code:

sub dobrowse() mystr = cells(1, 1).value activeworkbook.followhyperlink _   address:="https://www.(salesforce link)/?q=" & mystr, _   newwindow:=true end sub 

this has been working fine 1 cell, how automate whole column , copy link?


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