ansible - Insert a block of file in a xml -

i want insert block of file xml using ansible.


<t1> ${t1}/k</t1> <v1 c=""/> 

i need insert block of code between (i.e after <t1> ${t1}/k</t1>) per ex.xml

can on this?

i tried using block in file ended adding block of code @ end of xml.

- name: add block   blockinfile:     path: ex.xml     marker: "test"   block:     <k1></k1>     <k2></k2>   insertafter: "^<t1> ${t1}/k</t1>" 

the insertafter parameter regular expression '$' character won't match directly. you'll need escape it.

insertafter: "^<t1> \\${t1}/k</t1>" 

a couple of other notes...

if want block inserted you've written newlines, add pipe right after block. otherwise entire block written same line

block: |     <k1></k1>     <k2></k2> 

the marker parameter should xml comment. should include {mark} keyword ansible knows not insert same block if exists in ex.xml.

marker: "<!-- {mark} ansible managed block -->" 


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