c++ - Program output differs between Windows and Linux. Why? -

i run code in both windows , linux. in window, can result intended but, in linux, different result 1 window.

what causes difference , how fix code in linux?

thanks lot! :) attached code, input, , result both os.

below code; (this code reversely order components dots , differentiate components using slash.)

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <vector>   using namespace std;  string set_name = "6000k";  // in string raw_file = set_name + "_filtered.txt"; // out string set_file = set_name + "_filtered_dot.txt";  // main int main() {     int = 0;     string comp = "";      string str;       vector<string> input_comp;     vector<string> tmp_comp;      int input_order = 0;      ifstream infile;     infile.open(raw_file);      ofstream outfile;     outfile.open(set_file);      if (infile.fail()) // error handling     {         cout << "error; raw_file cannot open..\n";     }      while (!infile.fail())     {         char c = infile.get();          if (c == '\n' || c == '/')         {             if (comp != "")              {                 input_comp.push_back(comp);             }              int num = input_comp.size();             (int j = 0; j < num; j++)             {                 int idx = (num - 1) - j;                 outfile << "/" << input_comp[idx];             }              if (c == '\n')             {                 outfile << "/" << endl;             }              input_comp.clear();             str = "";             comp = "";         }         else if (c == '.')         {             if (comp != "")              {                 input_comp.push_back(comp);             }              comp = "";         }         else          {             str = c;             comp = comp + str;         }      }      infile.close();     outfile.close();      return 0; } 

this inputs in 'raw_file' declared in code;

/blog.sina.com.cn/mouzhongshao /blogs.yahoo.co.jp/junkii3/11821140.html /allplayboys.imgur.com 

this result window; (this want above code)

/cn/com/sina/blog/mouzhongshao/ /jp/co/yahoo/blogs/junkii3/html/11821140/ /com/imgur/allplayboys/ 

this result linux; (unexpected result)

/cn/com/sina/blog/mouzhongshao / /jp/co/yahoo/blogs/junkii3/html /11821140/ /com /imgur/allplayboys/ 

windows uses compound end of line: carriage return , line feed (\r\n). when c++ file stream opened file in text mode, default, finds \r\n, silently converts \n.

linux uses line feed (\n). when file stream finds \r\n, \r treated regular character , passed parser.

so on linux /blog.sina.com.cn/mouzhongshao\r\n broken

<empty> blog sina com cn mouzhongshao\r 

and depending on how console handles \r may print

/cn/com/sina/blog/mouzhongshao / 



with carriage return moving cursor beginning of line , overwriting first / last.

the easy solution convert input file linux-style line endings. many linux text editors have dos unix format conversion utility built in. dos2unix application available. if else fails, rewrite file under linux.

a longer solution make both windows , linux behave same. many examples of exist. here one: getting std :: ifstream handle lf, cr, , crlf?

also watch out while (!infile.fail()) tests readability before reading, meaning subsequent reads may fail , won't know. more on here: why iostream::eof inside loop condition considered wrong?

to resolve this, not cast result of infile.get(); char keep int long enough see if result traits::eof() before using value char.


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