python 3.x - Can't create gcloud cloudsql instance through Google sql library. (not authorized to make this request) -

i'm able create cloudsql instance though use of google's sdk, i'm not able create through google's sqladmin library.

i keep getting

googleapiclient.errors.httperror: <httperror 403 when requesting returned "the client not authorized make request.">

i've followed these instructions

any appreciated. been stuck @ weekend.

this history believe. hard tell i've tired many things. 625 gcloud auth application-default login 626 gcloud auth application-default login 627 unset google_application_credentials 628 pip3 install --upgrade google-api-python-client 629 gcloud auth application-default login 630 env 631 env | grep google 632 ls 633 kentik 634 cd intern-test-suite/ 635 ls 636 chmod +x 637 ./ 638 gcloud projects status 639 gcloud projects list 640 ./ kentik-testing-175821 641 ./ kentik-testing-175821 rsim-testing 642 cd 643 ls 644 gcloud 645 gcloud auth login 646 gcloud auth application-default --help 647 history

i had set the env google_application_credentials = to sdk created credentials were.

export google_application_credentials=/users/<your user name>/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json

i according documentation didn't need this, seemed fix.


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