css - React component find last-of-type class with JQuery -

i have accordion contain selected medication. there 3 types (current, prescribed , recommended)

i want have 15px bottom margin between types.

i have them identified in classes panel-head-color1 , panel-head-color2 , panel-head-color3, done color-code different types.

but on spacing, want last element of each class have margin-bottom:15px

ive tried in css,

div.panel-head-color1:last-of-type, div.panel-head-color2:last-of-type, div.panel-head-color3:last-of-type{   margin-bottom: 15px !important; } 

but not work. im thinking jquery, im unsure how in react component.

this im after.

enter image description here

current css

.panel-head-color1 > .panel-heading{   background-color: #5cb85c;   color: #ffffff; }  .panel-head-color2 > .panel-heading{   background-color: #f0ad4e;   color: #222222; }  .panel-head-color3 > .panel-heading{   background-color: #5bc0de;   color: #222222; }  .panel-head-color1, .panel-head-color2, .panel-head-color3{   margin-top: 0 !important; }   .last-of-type {   margin-bottom: 15px !important; } 


componentdidmount: function() {     $('.panel-head-color1').last().addclass('last-of-type');     $('.panel-head-color2').last().addclass('last-of-type');     $('.panel-head-color3').last().addclass('last-of-type'); }, 


.last-of-type {   margin-bottom: 15px !important; } 

you can count element last-of-type in react , put there appropriate class .last-of-type

but if dont want complicate react javascript code external javascript or jquery code not bad idea. recommend vanila js because of speed, if using jquery doesn't matter.

vanila js:

var elements = document.getelementsbyclassname('panel-head-color2'); elements[elements.length-1].classlist.add('last-of-type'); 




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