sql - encrypt postgres column in an update statement -

i'm using postgres 9.2 on rhel7 , have started looking @ column encryption. have no problem getting encryption work insert statement, failing work out how update statement table contains rows.

i have been using example url http://www.postgresonline.com/journal/archives/165-encrypting-data-with-pgcrypto.html

and insert in format taken url.

insert testuserscards(username, cc) select robotccs.username, pgp_pub_encrypt(robotccs.cc, keys.pubkey) cc (values ('robby', '41111111111111111'),     ('artoo', '41111111111111112') ) robotccs(username, cc)      cross join (select dearmor('-----begin pgp public key block----- super publickey goobly gook goes here -----end pgp public key block-----') pubkey) keys; 

i can't head around how update statement work fit together, i've tried various combinations following (different tables used insert above).

update dg_test t1   set var2 = t2.var2 (select pgp_pub_encrypt(var1,keys.pubkey) var2 dg_test) t2   t1.var1 = t2.var1      cross join (select dearmor('-----begin pgp public key block----- .... -----end pgp public key block-----') pubkey) keys; 

i guess option build on insert trigger encryption , run dump , restore.

has got idea how update?

from example, problem below? (the difference join pubkey against original table in subuery)

update dg_test t1   set var2 = t2.var2 (    select pgp_pub_encrypt(var1,keys.pubkey) var2     dg_test    cross join (select dearmor('-----begin...--end pgp public key block-----') pubkey) keys;  ) t2   t1.var1 = t2.var1 


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