javascript - Error with Syntax Angular 4 app -

i getting weird error regarding syntax when see console log in chrome, it's regarding line uses $ if take out, error goes away. not sure why can't use $ in button. find code html, js/typescript, , error log in attachments.enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

why passing $ method end looking element jquery? element not string, it's object.

i go way:

<button class="btn-script" #listbtn (click)="addtolist(listbtn)"> 

that pass reference button elementref - holds reference underlying dom element .nativeelement

addtolist(button: elementref) {   // can still imperative stuff here if like:   button.nativeelement.parentelement.children(...   // or   $(button.nativeelement).siblings(... } 

my advice though, embrace declarative nature of angular , start manipulating model(s) known both in code , in markup/template.

go check out the tour of heroes on official angular site. you'll glad did :)


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