r: find lowest value matching criteria over columns -

my data frame looks this

personid t1 t2 t3 1         0 11 0 1         0 11 0 2         0 11 13 2         0 11 13 3         0 0  0 3         0 0  0 

i need make sure each person has 1 test score above 10. if not, have removed data frame. want keep track of lowest score above 10, , add new column.

thus, result this:

personid     t1 t2 t3 new    1         0 11 0   11    1         0 11 0   11    2         0 11 13  11    2         0 11 13  11 

if go data.table route, think melt , join:

library(data.table) setdt(dat) dat[   melt(dat, id.vars="personid")[value > 10, .(new=min(value)), by=personid],   on="personid" ]  #   personid t1 t2 t3 new #1:        1  0 11  0  11 #2:        1  0 11  0  11 #3:        2  0 11 13  11 #4:        2  0 11 13  11 


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