ios - Swift: 'Authorization to share the following types is disallowed: HKQuantityTypeIdentifierAppleExerciseTime' -

i trying use healthkit following tutorial ( requiring different hkquantitytypeidentifier. code in healthkitmanager class:

import foundation import uikit import healthkit  class healthkitmanager {  let healthkitstore:hkhealthstore = hkhealthstore()  func authorizehealthkit(completion: ((_ success:bool, _ error:nserror?) -> void)!) {       let healthkittypestowrite: set<hksampletype> = [         hkobjecttype.quantitytype(foridentifier: hkquantitytypeidentifier.appleexercisetime)!     ]     let healthkittypestoread: set<hkobjecttype> = [         hkobjecttype.quantitytype(foridentifier: hkquantitytypeidentifier.appleexercisetime)!     ]       // if store not available (for instance, ipad) return error , don't go on.     if !hkhealthstore.ishealthdataavailable()     {         let error = nserror(domain: "com.example", code: 2, userinfo: [nslocalizeddescriptionkey:"healthkit not available in device"])         if( completion != nil )         {             completion?(false, error)          }         return;     }     healthkitstore.requestauthorization(toshare: healthkittypestowrite, read: healthkittypestoread) { (success, error) -> void in          completion?(success, error! nserror)     }  } 


and in viewcontroller trying call healthkit:

let healthmanager:healthkitmanager = healthkitmanager()   func authorizehealthkit() {     print("1")     healthmanager.authorizehealthkit { (authorized,  error) -> void in         if authorized {             print("healthkit authorization received.")         }         else         {             print("healthkit authorization denied!")             if error != nil {                 print("\(error)")             }         }     } } 

however when calling authorizehealthkit getting error: 'nsinvalidargumentexception', reason: 'authorization share following types disallowed: hkquantitytypeidentifierappleexercisetime'. print "1" statement called before crash.

your app not allowed request authorization write hkquantitytypeidentifier.appleexercisetime since definition of type proprietary apple. should remove hkquantitytype healthkittypestowrite.


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