xpath - SQL Server XML modify remove nodes without attributes or inner text -

i need able delete nodes name long (a) node has no attributes or (b) node has no inner text.

sample xml:

<mydoc> <delete_me /> <keep_me value="yes!" /> <but_do_not_keep_me></but_do_not_keep_me> <should_you_keep_me>absolutely!</should_you_keep_me> </mydoc>

the expected output is

<mydoc> <keep_me value="yes!" /> <should_you_keep_me>absolutely!</should_you_keep_me> </mydoc>

i've got queries figured out satisfy 1 condition or other.

@xml.modify('delete //*[empty(@*)]')

this keep elements attribute. similarly,

@xml.modify('delete //*[empty(node())]')

will remove empty nodes. cannot figure out how accomplish both. if try union |, gives me error xquery [modify()]: xquery syntax 'union' not supported..

any suggestions?

as per @zlk's comment above, and keyword allowed.

@xml.modify('delete //*[empty(node()) , empty(@*)]')

works perfectly.


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