php - Laravel function callback -

i need find cues in string , call functions these cues


<?php namespace app\http\controllers; class modulescontroller {     private $modules = [ ['name' => 'somefunction','maxnumber' => 50] ];     public function checkfunctions($strings = null)     {      $modulearrayid = array_search($strings ,array_column($this->modules, 'name');      if($modulearrayid !== false)          $this->$modules[$modulearrayid]['name'];      }      public  function somefunction()     {        return "it works";     } } 

and resource example

<?php namespace app\http\controllers; use app\http\controllers\modulescontroller;  class blockcontroller extends controller {   public function __construct()   {      $this->middleware('auth:members');   }    public function index(request $request)   {      $string = "somefunction";      $callback = new modulescontroller;      var_dump($callback->checkfunctions($string)); //always null   } } 

i have use code this. if can understand this, try improve it.

try this:

public function checkfunctions($strings = null) {     $modulearrayid = array_search($strings ,array_column($this->modules, 'name'));     if($modulearrayid !== false) {         $method = $this->modules[$modulearrayid]['name'];         return $this->$method();     } } 

not sure how changed code in order post here, suggest to:

  • use better names.
  • do not instantiate/call directly controller other controller. controllers should used handle requests, else should moved separate class.
  • modify structure of $modules associative array, can check if method defined index, instead of using array_search. can make code run faster size of structure grows.


private $modules = [     'somefunction' => [         'maxnumber' => 50     ] ];  // , check if method defined: if (isset($this->modules[$strings])) {     // ... } 


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