ruby on rails - How to set a default value of radio_buttons in simple-form -

i going set default value radio_buttons in simple_form. code:

<%= f.input :library_type, as: :radio_buttons, collection: library.library_types.collect { |k,_| [k.capitalize, k]} , checked: 'custom’%>

class library < activerecord::base   enum library_type: [:standard, :custom]   ... end  2.2.3 :002 > library.library_types.collect { |k,_| [k.capitalize, k]}  => [["standard", "standard"], ["custom", "custom"]] 

i added option checked: ‘custom’. when creating new library, custom default selected.

however, cause error when user choose library_type. when user edit library, select custom well, if user selected standard.

anyone know how solve this? thanks.

i move logic controller. in new action have set library_type field custom, , you. like

class librariescontroller < applicationcontroller   def new     @library = 'custom')     render 'edit'   end    def create     ...   end    def edit     #find @library here     render 'edit'   end    def update     ...   end end 

so, set library_type custom new instances , not overwrite created records.


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