sails.js - SailsJS + Waterline + MongoDB - Should I stop using? -

i concerned sailsjs + waterline + mongodb not winning combination anymore. our application using "waterline associations" more , more , find functionality limiting application.

i want find association, not seem possible. can populate subcriterias, not not exclude entries not match subcritera.


document.find({type: 'pdf'}).populate('owners', {where: { name: 'contains' : xyz }).exec(... 

the result above query gives me documents type: pdf. not need. way solve this?

also case-insensitive queries seems impossible?

so ... should start looking towards else? or missing completely?

we using sails.js, waterline , mongodb 2 years in production. association part not suited , develop associations (especially many-to-many) on top of waterline on our own.

to questions:

  • i propose flip 2 models:

owner.find({ name: 'contains' : xyz }).populate('documents', {where: {type: 'pdf'}).exec(...

  • you can wlnext: { casesensitive: true//false } in adapter. see this issue


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