javascript - How to exclude default node packages from webpack -

i want exclude child_process , os package being bundled in webpack bundle. have multiple files requiring these default node modules.

what have tried worked somehow:

  externals: [     'child_process',     'os'   ], 

but others, not seem work:

./~/neataptic/src/multithreading/workers/node/testworker.js module not found: error: can't resolve 'child_process' in '[...]/node_modules/neataptic/src/multithreading/workers/node'  @ ./~/neataptic/src/multithreading/workers/node/testworker.js 7:9-33  @ ./~/neataptic/src/multithreading/workers/workers.js  @ ./~/neataptic/src/multithreading/multi.js  @ ./~/neataptic/src/neataptic.js 

how should default node packages included? keep in mind bundle browser (umd).


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