php - MYSQL : Between or equal -

why not working if both value same use equal operator. user need select date & to, if user select both same date of & 2017-08-13 should still display dates of 2017-08-13 , unfortunately not working.

select * master_data.speed_of_service  ( trans_time >= '2017-08-13' ,  trans_time <= '2017-08-13') 

it work if there interval between dates

if had guess, because trans_time has time component. 1 easy fix extract date:

select ss.* master_data.speed_of_service ss date(trans_time) >= '2017-08-13' , date(trans_time) <= '2017-08-13'; 

a better solution add 1 day "to" date:

select ss.* master_data.speed_of_service ss trans_time >= '2017-08-13' ,       trans_time < '2017-08-13' + interval 1 day; 

this better because still allows use of index.


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